Thursday, February 22, 2007

Blast from the past

Jim and I have always enjoyed having all the kids overnight. This was James'first time participating. Pictured above are: Lacey, age 14, James I., age 12, Jordan, age 10, Emma, age 3 and James not yet 1., and of course *Unlce JK*

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Belly Crawl

This is one of many pictures that we recently retrieved from an old computer. This is at the time when James was learning to move around. He never actually crawled, until well after he started walking. He simply slithered about the house on his belly. He never seemed to mind, and he kept the floors clean! Every once in awhile we would pick him up and pull off the cat hair!


This is one of our all time favorite picture of Emma. She was two years old here, and a lolipop was a pretty big deal then. We love it so much, because of her *crazy curls*. There were days when it was so wild, I silently wished it would relax a little. Like the ole saying goes, careful what you wish for, as she has lost much of the spiral. On humid days, it springs back, but gone are the days where I could barely brush it. *pout*

Valentines Day 2007

For Valentine's Day.. Emma and James each got a giant kiss.. of the chocolate variety!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Emma and James

Ice Skating on the Lagoon

No sooner then the lagoon freezes.. Jim and Emma were out there. Jim took a test run first to ensure the ice was solid enough, but even still he tied rope to her ~just in case~ . After a few minutes she was off and skating on her own. She fell a few times, but that did not stop her. She came in with a cold bottom and rosey cheeks and a smile ear to ear.

The Blue Sweaters

MiMi made these sweaters for the kids for Christmas, so I dressed them identically and took some pictures to send her way. They sat for me as long as they could stand and I got a few good shots, but James' expression in the last shot, told me he was done. Talk about a forced smile!

Ski Trip 2007

Our annual ski trip took us to Stratton Mountain, Vermont. Seventeen of us piled into our cars and headed North to spend a four day weekend. We had fantastic accommodations and the conditions were marvellous. Fun was had by all!!